@ALADDINS_LAMP 1 Select a card to put in your hand. @ALADDIN_RING 1 Select target creature or player. @ALI_BABA 1 Select target wall. @ALI_FROM_CAIRO 3 Select damage point to heal (%d of %d). is doin' his thing. Illegal target (prevent damage to controller of Ali). @AMULET_KROOG 1 Select damage card. @ANCESTRAL_RECALL 1 Select target player. @ANIMATE_ARTIFACT 1 Select target artifact. @ANIMATE_DEAD 6 From my graveyard. From opponent's graveyard. Cancel. %s graveyard: Pick a creature. Your graveyard: Pick a creature. Illegal Target (not a creature). @ANIMATE_WALL 1 Select target wall. @ANY_LACE 1 Select target permanent. @ANY_WARD 1 Select target creature. @ARENA 1 Select target creature. @ASHESTOASHES 2 Select first target creature. Select second target creature. @ASHNODS_BATTLEGEAR 1 Select target creature you control. @ASPECTOFWOLF 1 Select target creature. @ASSEMBLY_WORKER 5 Select target assembly worker. Get mana. Re-change to Assembly Worker. Pump Assembly Worker. Cancel. @ASWANJAGUAR 1 Select your prey. @BACKFIRE 1 Select target creature. @BALANCE 2 Sacrifice land. Sacrifice creature you control. @BERSERK 1 Select target creature. @BIRDS_OF_PARADISE 6 Birds of Paradise: What kind of mana? to produce black mana. to produce blue mana. to produce green mana. to produce red mana. to produce white mana. @BLACK_LOTUS 6 Black Lotus: What type of mana? to produce black mana. to produce blue mana. to produce green mana. to produce red mana. to produce white mana. @BLACK_WARD 1 Select target creature. @BLESSING 1 Select target creature. @BLIGHT 1 Select target land. @BLOODLUST 1 Select target creature. @BLUE_ELEMENTAL_BLAST 1 Select target red permanent. @BLUE_WARD 1 Select target creature. @BOTTLE_SULEIMAN 3 Call the coin flip: Heads. Tails. @BRAINGEYSER 1 Select target player. @BRAINWASH 1 Select target creature. @BRONZE_TABLET 4 Select target card. Swap cards. Pay 10 life. Concede game. @BROTHERS_OF_FIRE 1 Select target creature or player. @BURROWING 1 Select target creature. @CANDLEABRA_OF_TAWNOS 1 Select target land (%d of %d). @CAVE_PEOPLE 1 Select target creature. @CELESTIAL_PRISM 6 Celestial Prism: What kind of mana? to produce black mana. to produce blue mana. to produce green mana. to produce red mana. to produce white mana. @CHANNEL 2 Spend how much life for generic mana? Illegal amount (must be between 0 and life). @CIRCLE_OF_PROTECTION 1 Select damage card. @COCOON 1 Select target creature you control. @CONSERVATOR 1 Select damage card. @CONTROL_MAGIC 1 Select target creature. @COPY_ARTIFACT 2 Select target artifact. Illegal target (didn't enter play as an artifact). @CORAL_HELM 1 Select target creature. @COSMIC_HORROR 1 Cosmic Horror deals 7 damage! @COUNTER_SPELL 1 Select target spell being cast. @CREATUREBOND 1 Select target creature. @CRIMSON_MANTICORE 1 Select target creature. @CRUMBLE 1 Select target artifact. @CURSED_LAND 1 Select target land. @DARKPACT 1 Select an ante card. @DEATH_WARD 2 Select creature. Illegal target (not dying). @DEMONIC_ATTORNEY 2 Ante additional card. Concede game. @DEMONIC_TUTOR 1 Select target card. @DESERT_TWISTER 1 Select target permanent. @DETONATE 1 Select target artifact. @DISENCHANT 1 Select target artifact or enchantment. @DISINTEGRATE 1 Select target creature or player. @DISRUPTING_SCEPTER 1 Select target player. @DIVINE_TRANSFORMATION 1 Select target creature. @DRAIN_LIFE 1 Select target creature or player. @DRAIN_POWER 1 Select target player. @DWARVEN_DTEAM 1 Select target wall. @DWARVEN_WARRIORS 1 Select target creature with power less than 3. @EARTH_BIND 1 Select target flying creature. @EBONYHORSE 1 Select target creature. @ENERGYTAP 1 Select target creature. @ERGRAIDERS 1 Erg Raiders take 2 life! @EROSION 4 Select target land. Destroy enchanted land. Pay 1 mana to counter. Pay 1 life. @ETERNAL_WARRIOR 1 Select target creature. @EVIL_PRESENCE 1 Select target land. @EYE_FOR_EYE 1 Select damage card. @FAERIEDRAGON_MESSAGES 21 casts Berserk! ... casts Bloodlust! casts Lifelace! casts Purelace! casts Chaoslace! casts Lightning Bolt! casts Jump! casts Giant Growth! activates Helm of Chatzuk effect! casts Deathlace! casts Thoughtlace! activates Hurr Jackal effect! ... activates Pradesh Gypsies effect! casts Unsummon! activates Rod Of Ruin effect! activates Sorceress Queen effect! casts Swords To Plowshares! casts Orcish Catapult! ... @FAERIEDRAGON_TWIDDLE 3 casts Twiddle! Tap. Untap. @FAERIEDRAGON_TAWNOSWAND 2 activates Tawnos's Wand effect! fizzles attempting Tawnos's Wand effect! @FAERIEDRAGON_ERROR 1 made an error! @FEAR 1 Select target creature. @FEEDBACK 1 Select target enchantment. @FELLWAR_STONE 7 Fellwar Stone: What kind of mana? to produce black mana. to produce blue mana. to produce green mana. to produce red mana. to produce white mana. to produce colorless mana. @FIREBALL 2 Select target creature or player (%d of %d). Illegal target (may only target once). @FIREBREATHING 1 Select target creature. @FISHLIVEROIL 1 Select target creature. @FISSURE 1 Select target creature or land. @FLIGHT 1 Select target creature. @FLOOD 1 Select target creature. @FLYING_CARPET 1 Select target creature. @FORCEFIELD 1 Select damage card. @FORCE_OF_NATURE 1 Force of Nature deals 8 damage! @GAEAS_LIEGE 1 Select target land. @GASEOUSFORM 1 Select target creature. @GIANT_GROWTH 1 Select target creature. @GIANT_STRENGTH 1 Select target creature. @GLASSES_OF_URZA 2 Select target player. Target Player's Hand @GRAPESHOT_CATAPULT 1 Select target flying creature. @GREEN_WARD 1 Select target creature. @HEALING_SALVE 3 Select target player. Select damage point to heal (%d of %d). Illegal target (prevent damage to ONE target). @HELM_OF_CHATZUK 1 Select target creature. @HOLY_ARMOR 1 Select target creature. @HOLY_STRENGTH 1 Select target creature. @HOWL_FROM_BEYOND 1 Select target creature. @HURKYLS_RECALL 1 Select target player. @HURR_JACKAL 1 Select target creature. @IMMOLATION 1 Select target creature. @INSTILL_ENERGY 1 Select target creature. @INVISIBILITY 1 Select target creature. @ISLAND_FISH_JASCONIUS 2 Untap Island Fish. Don't untap. @ISLAND_SANCTUARY 1 Select draw potential. @JADE_MONOLITH 1 Select target creature. @JANDORS_SADDLEBAGS 1 Select target creature. @JUMP 1 Select target creature. @KING_SULEIMAN 1 Select target djinn or efreet. @KISMET 1 Select target player. @LANCE 1 Select target creature. @LANDTAX 4 Pick up to 3 basic lands. Pick up to 2 more basic lands. Pick up to 1 more basic land. Opponent chose these basic lands: @LEVIATHAN 1 Select island to sacrifice. @LEY_DRUID 1 Select target land. @LIBRARY_OF_ALEXANDRIA 3 Get mana. Draw a card. Cancel. @LIGHTNING_BOLT 1 Select target creature or player. @LIVING_ARTIFACT 1 Select target artifact. @LORD_OF_THE_PIT 2 Select creature to sacrifice. Lord of the Pit deals 7 damage! @LURE 1 Select target creature. @MAGICAL_HACK 2 Select target permanent. Hacking %s to %s. @MANABATTERY 4 Tap to get mana. Charge battery (add counter). Cancel. How many counters do you wish to spend for additional mana? \n(max: %d) @MANACLASH 3 Your flip Opponent flip Repeating since a tails came up. @MANASHORT 1 Select target player. @MILLSTONE 1 Select target player. @MINDBOMB 5 Lose life or discard... Lose 3 life. Lose 2 life and discard 1 card. Lose 1 life and discard 2 cards. Discard 3 cards. @MINDTWIST 1 Select target player. @MISHRAS_FACTORY 5 Select target assembly worker. Get mana. Change to Assembly Worker. Pump Assembly Worker. Cancel. @MISHRAS_WARMACHINE 1 Unable to discard...\nMishra's War Machine deals 3 damage. @NAFS_ASP 1 Naf's Asp takes 1 life! @NETTLING_IMP 1 Select target creature. @NETHER_SHADOW 1 is returning from the grave. @NORTHERN_PALADIN 1 Select target permanent. @OASIS 2 Select damage card. Illegal target (damage type). @ORCISH_ARTILLERY 1 Select target creature or player. @PARALYZE 1 Select target creature. @PERSONAL_INCARNATION 2 Select damage to redirect. How much damage to redirect to you? @PHANTASMAL_TERRAIN 2 Select target land. Land type? @PIRATE_SHIP 1 Select target creature or player. @POWERLEAK 4 Select target enchantment. Take the 2 damage. Pay 1 mana, take 1 damage. Pay 2 mana. @POWERSINK 1 Select target spell being cast. @POWER_STRUGGLE 1 is swapping %s for %s. @PRADESH_GYPSIES 1 Select target creature. @PRIMAL_CLAY 4 Creature type? 1/6 Wall. 2/2 Creature with flying. 3/3 Creature. @PRISMATIC_DRAGON 6 ... changes color to black changes color to blue changes color to green changes color to red changes color to white @PRODIGAL_SORCERER 1 Select target creature or player. @PSIONIC_ENTITY 1 Select target creature or player. @PSYCHIC_VENOM 1 Select target land. @PYROTECHNICS 4 Select (1st of 4) target creature or player. Select (2nd of 4) target creature or player. Select (3rd of 4) target creature or player. Select (4th of 4) target creature or player. @RADJAN_SPIRIT 1 Select target creature. @RAGMAN 2 Opponent's Hand Randomly chose this creature to discard. @RAINBOW_KNIGHTS 4 Add random power. Gain first strike. Cancel. Power increased by %d. @RAISEDEAD 1 Select target creature. @REBIRTH 2 Ante an additional card. No additional ante. @RED_ELEMENTAL_BLAST 1 Select target blue permanent. @RED_WARD 1 Select target creature. @REGENERATION 1 Select target creature. @REGROWTH 1 Select target card. @RELIC_BIND 4 Select target artifact. Select target player. Gain life. Take damage. @REVERSE_DAMAGE 2 Select damage card. Select a card that has damaged you. @RIGHTEOUSNESS 1 Select target creature. @ROD_OF_RUIN 1 Select target creature or player. @ROYAL_ASSASSIN 1 Select target tapped creature. @SAMITE_HEALER 1 Select damage card. @SEEKER 1 Select target creature. @SHAPESHIFTER 9 Select Power/Toughness... 0/7 1/6 2/5 3/4 4/3 5/2 6/1 7/0 @SHATTER 1 Select target artifact. @SIMULACRUM 1 Select target creature. @SINDBAD 1 draws: @SINGING_TREES 1 Select target attacking creature. @SLEIGHT_OF_MIND 2 Select target permanent. Sleighting %s to %s. @SMOKE 2 PROCESSING Smoke: Select creature to untap. Opponent chooses to untap: @SORCERESS_QUEEN 1 Select target creature. @SPIRITLINK 1 Select target creature. @SPIRIT_SHACKLE 1 Select target creature. @STEAL_ARTIFACT 1 Select target artifact. @STONE_GIANT 1 Select target creature. @STONE_RAIN 1 Select target land. @STREAMOFLIFE 1 Select target player. @STRIPMINE 4 Select target land. Get mana. Sacrifice to destroy a land. Cancel. @SWORD_TO_PLOWSHARES 1 Select target creature. @SYLVAN_LIBRARY 3 Pay 4 life. Put back on library. Select card drawn this turn to discard. @TARGET_CREATURE 1 Select target creature. @TAWNOS_WEAPONRY 1 Select target creature. @TAWNOS_WAND 1 Select target creature with power 2 or less. @TEMPEST_EFREET 4 Swap cards. Lose 10 life. Concede game. randomly chooses... @TERROR 1 Select target creature. @TETRAVITE 3 Select target tetravite. Illegal target (tetravite not related to tetravus). Illegal target (only one move per turn). @TETRAVUS 6 Launch tetravite. Dock tetravite. Never mind. Move 1 token. Move 2 tokens. Move 3 tokens. @THE_BRUTE 1 Select target creature. @TIME_ELEMENTAL 1 Select target permanent with no enchantments. @TIME_VAULT 2 Play this turn. Skip this turn to untap. @TRISKELION 1 Select target creature or player. @TUNNEL 1 Select target wall. @TWIDDLE 3 Select target creature, artifact or land. Tap. Untap. @UNHOLY_STRENGTH 1 Select target creature. @UNSTABLE_MUTATION 1 Select target creature. @UNSUMMON 1 Select target creature. @UNTAMED_WILDS 1 Select target basic land. @URZAS_AVENGER 6 Add which ability? Flying. Banding. First Strike. Trample. Cancel. @VESUVAN_DOPPELGANGER 1 Select target creature. @VENOM 1 Select target creature. @VISIONS 4 Select target player. The top five cards in the library. Shuffle library. Don't shuffle. @VOLCANIC_ERUPTION 1 Select target mountain (%d of %d). @WANDERLUST 1 Select target creature. @WARP_ARTIFACT 1 Select target artifact. @WEB 1 Select target creature. @WEAKNESS 1 Select target creature. @WHEELOFFORTUNE 1 Neither player has enough library to draw new hand, so duel is a tie. @WHIMSY_MESSAGES 18 activates Time Elemental effect! casts Twiddle to untap. casts Twiddle to tap. activates Aladdin's Ring effect! casts Ancestral Recall! casts Crumble! casts Disenchant! casts Healing Salve! casts Fissure! activates Millstone effect! activates The Hive effect! activates Nevinyrral's Disk effect! activates Bottle of Suleiman effect! activates Pandora's Box effect! activates Disrupting Sceptre effect! activates Fog effect! activates Sindbad effect! made an error! @WHIMSY_BOTTLESULEIMAN 3 Call the coin flip: Heads. Tails. @WHIMSY_SINDBAD 1 Sindbad draws... @WHITE_WARD 1 Select target creature. @WILD_GROWTH 1 Select target land. @WINTERORB 2 PROCESSING Winter Orb: Select land to untap. Opponent chooses to untap: @WINTER_BLAST 1 Select target creature (%d of %d). @WORDOFBINDING 1 Select target creature (%d of %d). @WYLULI_WOLF 1 Select target creature. @XENIC_POLTERGEIST 1 Select target non-creature artifact. @PROMPT_FIZZLE 1 fizzle